Sense Arena inside Steel Arena

ADDED: 18.11.2019

Young players as well as coaches of the youth of HC Košice had once again an opportunity to test the unique Sense Arena inside the Steel Arena.  Sense Arena is a professional practice tool used to develop critical thinking. The whole process is strictly controlled by a computer. 

The equipment itself contains beacons, helmet and a specially adapted hockey stick. There are 84 types of exercises in the platform, each of them developing different component of critical thinking which is needed for a hockey game, such as peripheral vision, creativity, reaction time and many other.

Sense Arena was developed in the Czech Republic, and it has been used worldwide for more than 2 years.  There are approximately 25 installations used in the world. For example in the NHL, the organization Las Vegas Golden Knights uses it, and in the Czech Republic it is used by the White Tigers from Liberec. Training centers are also based in Switzerland and Sweden. .  

Text and images Matej Lukáč (HC Košice Media Team)