Community Forum

HC Košice Community Forum is a communicational platform which was created after the Steelworkers declared to transform themselves into a community club.
Through this platform, the club approaches a wide community not only in Košice, but in the whole region, and tries to create a relationship based on a transparent communication and cooperation.
The regular meetings constitute a foundation stone of the forum, where the club informs its members on the visions, strategies, goals, plans, results and progress achieved. The period between the meetings is used for the interactive electronic communication.
Among the members of the forum are the representatives of the region and town, municipal and state institutions, schools, media, representatives of the business sector, and all fans, who want to help the most successful club in the Slovak history to progress.
Main Goals of HC Košice Community Forum:
1. To raise awareness of the community and to mobilize the active members of the forum (regular meetings and communication).
2. To create a space for networking.
3. To create long-term partnerships that will ultimately bring the club a financial and non-financial support (products, media landscape, ticket sales).
Forms of Support of HC Košice:
· Sponsors - purchase of advertising designed for the partner's needs. We offer a wide range of static, dynamic and interactive carriers during as well as outside the matches. You can find the offer on the website
· Product sponsoring - you can support the club's activity by donating the products which the club has to procure for itself (nutritional supplements, representative uniforms, regeneration, hospitality during the club events, rental of rooms for the club events, etc.).
· Tickets sale - large companies may support the club by purchasing the set of tickets that are valid for the regular season, and employees may use it continuously for teambuildings or for catering and entertainment of their guests.
· Patriot Wall - individuals have also the possibility of a financial support thanks to the transparent account. Their names (with their consent) will be published on the Patriot Wall, which will be located inside the Steel Arena and on the club's website.
· Medial partnership – information spreading within the community is very important for the club. The partners' use of premises and communication channels of the club for the presentation of results and invitation to matches constitute a significant support.
· Status of Ambassador – the active members of the Forum Community may support the club's activities by spreading the good name of the club and by searching possibilities of support in cooperation with the club's representatives.
· Participation in the community fund-raising – it is also possible to support the club by purchasing the souvenirs declaring the use of proceeds for the specific projects of youth development. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact