Majstri odovzdávali vysvedčenia, Chovan s Bartánusom aj vlastným deťom

PRIDANÉ: 30.6.2023

Odovzdávanie koncoročných vysvedčení žiakom základnej školy Považská 12 v Košiciach je tradične spestrené prítomnosťou úspešných športovcov. Rolu učiteľov dnes na seba ochotne prevzali piati hokejisti HC Košice. Na svoju bývalú školu zavítali brankár Dominik Riečický, obranca Antonín Bartoš a útočník Oliver Jokeľ. Špeciálne pocity prežívali útočníci Michal Chovan s Marekom Bartánusom, ktorí dostali šancu odovzdať koncoročné hodnotenie aj vlastným potomkom.

„Známky ma v tejto digitálnej dobe prekvapiť nemohli, pretože to celý rok sledujem cez aplikáciu edupage. Podľa výsledkov bude vyzerať i následná odmena,“ pousmial sa Marek Bartánus, ktorý je otcom tretiaka Alexeia a šiestačky Amy. S príchodom prázdnin príde o časť povinností aj on sám. „Dcéra si už robí úlohy sama a synovi pomáham spravidla ja. Manželka je totiž popoludní spravidla v práci a ja už mám po tréningu voľno.“

Piatkovému tréningu sa však napriek príjemným povinnostiam nevyhol. Ochotné panie učiteľky mu pritom ponúkali možnosť vypísania ospravedlnenky. „Asi by mi to veľmi nepomohlo a na tréning by som musel ísť popoludní. Skočím tam teda hneď po odovzdaní vysvedčení,“ prisľúbil šesťnásobný majster Slovenska. Ako nám následne prezradil, on sám bol celkom dobrým žiakom. „Zo začiatku určite áno. Potom som sa dostal do hokejovej triedy a s tým žiakom to išlo dolu vodou. Už som sa viac-menej sústredil na hokej. Rodičom sa to samozrejme veľmi nepáčilo, ale keď bolo treba zabrať, tak som zabral. Bolo to teda v poriadku.“

Podobne to bolo aj v prípade brankára Dominika Riečického.

„Jednotkár som nebol, ale bolo to v rámci normy. Ja spomínam na školské časy rád. Aj sme sa učili, aj sme vystrájali. Tak ako všetky deti. Párkrát som bol aj na koberčeku u riaditeľa, ale na dôvody si už presne nespomínam. Nebolo to však asi nič vážne,“ vyslovil sa s huncútskou grimasou strážca svätyne HC Košice.

To kapitán Michal Chovan išiel spoluhráčom príkladom na ľade i v školských laviciach.

„Na základnej škole som mal čisté jednotky, na gymnáziu prišli aj nejaké dvojky. Popri hokeji som to však zvládol s prehľadom a základom bolo ukončiť to úspešnou maturitou,“ podotkol Chovan, ktorý si po roku zopakoval špeciálny moment v podobe odovzdania vysvedčenia synčekovi Ryanovi. Ten bol vlani prvákom a čistý štít si zachoval aj v druhom ročníku. „Snažíme sa mu venovať čo najviac. V športe i z pohľadu školy. V druhej triede sú to ešte čisté jednotky a musím povedať, že mu to celkom ide. Žiadne negatívne prekvapenie sa teda nekonalo a určite sa vyberieme na nejaký dobrý obed, zmrzlinu a zajtra potom vycestujeme na dovolenku do Chorvátska.“

Úlohy odovzdať vysvedčenia sa ochotne zhostil aj 19-ročný obranca Antonín Bartoš. Ešte pred štyrmi rokmi pritom dral lavice na ZŠ Považská 12 aj on sám.

„V rodine si posúvame štafetu. Ako malému chlapcovi mi odovzdával vysvedčenia otec, teraz som odovzdal vysvedčenie ja bratovi. Verím, že jedného dňa sa sem vráti v podobnej role aj on. Teraz je už ôsmak a vraj mal samé jednotky. Možno ho teda iba pochváliť,“ ocenil študijné výsledky brata Adama zadák majstrovského tímu. On sám neobľuboval zo školských predmetov chémiu a fyziku, no celkovo rodičom veľa starostí nerobil. „Väčšinou som mal samé dvojky. Nebol som najlepší žiak školy, ale nebola to žiadna hrôza. Nielen preto sa na túto školu vraciam vždy veľmi rád. Sú tu skvelé učiteľky, mali sme skvelý kolektív. Spomínam na to preto iba v dobrom.“


The champions handed out school reports, Chovan and Bartánus even to their own children

Handing out the end-of-the-year school reports to the pupils of elementary school at Považská 12 in Košice is traditionally enriched by the presence of successful sportsmen. Today, the role of the teachers was eagerly filled by five HC Košice hockey players. Goalkeeper Dominik Riečický, defenseman Antonín Bartoš and forward Oliver Jokeľ visited their former school. They shared these special moments with two other forwards, Michal Chovan and Marek Bartánus who were given the chance to hand out the end-of-the-year school report even to their own children.

“In this digital world, I couldn’t have been surprised by grades because I follow them throughout the whole year in the Edupage app. The reward will be according to the results,” smiled Marek Bartánus, father of third-grader Alexei and sixth-grader Amy. With the holidays coming up, Marek will be relieved of some responsibilities. “My daughter does her homework by herself now and I usually help my son. It’s because my wife is generally at work during the afternoons but I am free after training sessions are over.”

However, he wasn’t able to skip Friday’s training session although he had such nice responsibilities. Even though helpful teachers offered him the option of an excuse slip. “I don’t think it would help me much and I would have to train in the afternoon. Therefore I will go right after we hand the reports out,” promised the six-time Slovak champion. He himself was a good pupil, as he revealed to us. “I have been good since the beginning. But then I got into a hockey class and it went downhill. I focused more or less on hockey. Of course, my parents weren’t really satisfied but when I had to, I did put in the work. It was ok after that.”

It was similar in the case of goalkeeper Dominik Riečický.

“I wasn’t an A-grader, rather average. I look back on my time in school fondly. We learned but also had some fun. Just like other kids. I have been called to the principal’s office a few times but I forget the reasons. It probably wasn’t that serious,” said the HC Košice goalkeeper with a grimace.

Whereas captain Michal Chovan was an example for his teammates on and off the ice.

“I only had As in elementary school, some Bs during grammar school. However, I was able to manage it well alongside hockey, the important part was to graduate successfully,” pointed out Chovan who repeated this special moment after a year when he could hand out the school report to his son Ryan. He was a first-grader last year and he was able to keep up his clean slate even after finishing the second year. “We try to give him as much of our time as we can. In sports as well as in school area. Clean slate in the second grade and I have to say, he is good. No negative surprise here, so now we will for sure enjoy some tasty lunch, ice cream, and tomorrow we travel to Croatia for a holiday.”

The 19-year-old defenseman Antonín Bartoš was eager to execute the task of handing out school reports, too. It was only four years ago when he used to sit behind the school desk in ZŠ Považská 12 himself.

“We pass the baton in my family. When I was a small boy, my father handed the school report to me, now, I am handing it to my brother. I believe one day he will return here in a similar fashion. He’s an eighth-grader now and supposedly he had straight As. I can only praise him,” the champion defenseman appreciated the school results of his brother Adam. He himself wasn’t a fan of chemistry and physics but overall he didn’t cause his parents much trouble. “Mostly I had Bs. I wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t a disaster. I like returning to this school, not only because of this. There are great teachers, we had a great class collective. Therefore, I remember this school only in the good lighting.”